Bringing Color to Everyday Life

If you are in ceramics and or like this kind of stuff, it’s extremely fun! My idea came from being aggravated at my cups for taking sooo long to make so I took an easier route and decided to experiment with glazes. Glazes are a special kind of paint that when fired at hot temperatures, seal and protect the clay to be used ( in this case, the cups can have liquids in them and you won’t get poisoned! 

On to the cups! If you have a pre-made cup, good for you! If you don’t, then you take a slab and blend it into a cylinder and add a bottom to it and blend that on and then a handle! If I could, I would take pictures but it’s awkward to do that at school! 

After you fire the clay, You put on a base coat of whatever color you want  (I used Mardi Gras which is a white with pebbles of blue that explode to get a splatter like effect)  and after, you take a bunch of different colored glazes and dip a paintbrush in water and then in the glaze and splatter it all over the cup! ( In some cases, you need to flick the paintbrush with your finger). 

You then fire it again to get to this amazing product! 



The colors are much brighter in person but i am extremely proud of these!



I love being creative and this is just me sharing one idea to you all!


Yours Truly. 
